Welcome to
MT Gems
Welcome to
MT Gems
MT Gems was started by Robin and Roger Fleek, in 2003. During the 10 years of her working as a bookkeeper for the elderly, Robin took on the responsibility of helping place her clients in assisted living facilities, when they were no longer able to safely live at home. After seeing so many facilities, Robin was inspired to start her own community for people who were elderly and disabled. Eventually, it turned into a specialized home for Dementia care.
Here at MT Gems, Ruby and Sapphire house, we provide the best care and companionship needed to improve the quality of life for our elderly and disabled residents. We are dedicated to gaining and keeping your trust.
Respite Care
Long Term Care
Alzheimer's Care
Lewy Body Dementia Care
Parkinson's Care
Down Syndrome w/ Alzheimer's Care
Huntington's Disease Care
and more.
MT Gems homes are specifically licensed by the State of Montana for Dementia care in A,B, and C categories. We have long term staff who love what they do.
A: Minimal Care
B: Heavier Care
C: Dementia Care